Thursday, March 31, 2016

Inverted Pyramid

Student of the month

1.   What is your name?
 -Jose Castillo
2.  How does it feel to be student of the month
-Amazing, I was already expecting it. I was the best one.
3.  What did you do to receive this ?
  -It comes natural, didn’t really work that hard.
4.  What kind of student would you describe yourself?
-A really cool kid.
5.  Has anyone ever complimented your hard work?
-Yes, myself and my parents
6.  If so who did and what did they say?
-That it runs in the family so don't be surprised.
7.  Are you always on time to class, or are you sometimes late?
8.  Do you ever go overboard and`do extra work to gain extra credit?
-No, I already get 100s on everything so there's no need!
9.  If anyone ever needed help in class, did you give them the answer or did you go through step with
them so they could understand it?
-No I would just give them the answer
10. What was your biggest struggle in the class?
-Nothing, everything was easy
11  How do you think people look at you as?
-The Kanye West of school
12.  Do you think you ever get any recognition for your hard work?
-No, I already know what I'm capable of
13. What do you think is your best quality as a person?
-My confidence
14. Were you surprised when you got student of the month?
-No, already knew i had it coming
15. Who handed you the award
-Mr. King
16. Do you personally think you deserve it?
-Yes I don't work that hard for it, but my grades are perfect!!
17. What are some skills you have as a student?
-I'm really responsible and not as lazy
18. Are you never the one to procrastinate or fall behind?
-I procrastinate but never fall behind
19 you think one day you can get an award better than this?
-The student of the year seems a lot cooler
20.  Are you proud of yourself for getting student of the month?
-Yes, very proud

School Uniforms

Topic: School Uniforms

The school board has decided to create a district wide policy of enforcing school uniforms. Who would you need to interview to find out more information about this topic? What are some good questions to ask? (This is theoretical)

1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic.


2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source and post them on your blog. It will be the same 20 questions for each, so you only have to think of 20 total questions.

  • What are your thoughts on school uniforms?
  • Are you for it or against it? Explain your thoughts
  • Do you think it creates a better school environment? Explain
  • Would it affect you personally?
  • Do you think it would prevent bullying since everyone can't express themselves based upon how they dress?
  • Do you think it would create a better learning environment?
  • Do you think it would save money for families?
  • Would you prefer a colored uniform or a plain one?
  • What color would yours be?
  • Would you add any designs or add extra buttons?
  • What are your thoughts on dress or skirt uniforms?
  • Would you prefer pants or the option of a dress or a skirt?
  • Do you think girls can style their hair however they want?
  • Do you think boys should be clean shaved?
  • If you had to wear one, would your shirt be short or long sleeved?
  • Would everyone have to wear the exact same shoes?
  • Do you think girls can have their nails painted?
  • Do you think everyone could only cary a backpack or also a side bag?
  • Do you know if every school in the district would have the same uniforms?
  • Would each uniform have the same material?

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Portfolio Analysis

Video 1
a. Name of photographer 

-Alyssa Schukar

b. General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)

-eating disorder

c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio 

-all the pictures were of a certain distance
-not up close and personal 
-not getting enough of the story

d. List two things the judges like-

-there were two photos they really liked due to good vivid background
-baseball celebration picture

e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like?
-I liked the angles of the pictures, although I did not like the whole depression, sad theme.

Video 2

a. Name of photographer -
-Jordan Murph

b. General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)-

-Action sports

c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio -

-two pictures of the same point of view
-needs to expand more
-no captions!

d. List two things the judges like-
-good composition
-strong meaning

e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like?

Great composition, although some pictures do not belong with the theme.

Video 3
a. Name of photographer -
-Carlos Delgado

b. General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)-


c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio -

-no consideration for background
-need better angles 
-not a good understanding of some pictures 

d. List two things the judges like-

-good content
-good poses

e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like?
I like the angles of the pictures, although some may need a bit more clues to understand what is going on.

2. Watch the winning portfolio critique (Dustin Snipes), and post the following:

a. What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it?

-really good captures of the moment

b. What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses?

-I see really good potential in all pictures, the only weakness would be its a bit photoshopped exxagerated.

3. Watch the contest recap video at the very bottom.

a. Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner.
-The judges discussed if the stories were old enough and if the photos didn't always have the same thought behind it. In other words, the same picture (not literally) just in a different shot. Also if the person is a good editor.

Part 2- Individual Images

1. Describe one photo that you agree with the judges on. Explain why you and the judges do or do not like it.
-Part 1 picture, the judges like the photo except the view. I agree with them because the picture shows nothing besides a fast moving object and the background needed to be more vivid.

2. Describe one photo that you do NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong.

-Part 5- Best student image
-Two boys colliding while in a game of basketball. The judges mentioned the shot being too close but I disagree, I think it's a good distance.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Architecture Preview

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
- Minoru Yamasaki

2. When was it built?
-The World Trade Center was built in April 2006/

3. Where is it located?

-New York

4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
-It's public

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
- 3.9 billion dollars

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?

-In memorial of 9/11.

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
- I chose this building because it's such a beautiful building with amazing views and meaning behind it. I also chose this because it's a memory of 9/11 and a recognition for those who died. Family's and even strangers may visit from all around the world to pay respect and experience an amazing tribute.

Action Shoot

Photo 1

Photo 2



Sensory Overload

"I believe that more and more, we are defining our environments not as the spaces themselves, in terms of the buildings or architecture, but rather by the objects and devices that we buy and surround ourselves with. ... I would like that message to carry through universally," Seymour said.


What do you think about this statement?
- I think it's a reasonable statement.

Do you agree or disagree?
-Yes, I agree because it's explaining that each environment of it's own is defining the space more and people should be able to use the space they have however they would like.

As an aspiring photographer how does this make you feel about your photography?

-It makes me feel like there;s so many interesting things that you can take shots of it doesn't matter where you are.

2. When you looked through the images, did you want to visit this place and take your camera?

-Yes, it seems like it would be an interesting place to see.

3. What do you think it would be like to be the child of someone who worked at this place?

-I think it would be really fun and interesting. 

4. Describe your favorite photo to me.

-My favorite photo has to be the second picture to me because of all the flowers and it's colors that makes the image stand out. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Warm Up

1. The picture is part of a winning sports portfolio because you can see the coach getting splashed with water by the team players showing happiness and appreciation to the win.

2. Shutter speed is probably 900 due to the water splashing.

3. This picture is a key moment because this doesn't happen often to where team player have an ice bucket thrown onto the coach, this is a memory the team can look back at as a great win.

4. This photo could have been planned because there is someone taking the picture as the players are throwing the ice bucket on their coach to a great big win.

Outside Prompt Shoot

Newspaper Design 2